2014 European Pony Championships – Dates Confirmed

THE FEI has today (Saturday) confirmed to Horse Sport Ireland that next year’s European Pony Championships in Show Jumping, Eventing and Dressage will take place at Millstreet in Co. Cork from Wednesday, July 30th to Sunday, August 3rd 2014.
Horse Sport Ireland Chairman Pat Wall complimented both Millstreet’s Duggan family on securing the championships and the HSI executive, who assisted in resolving initial difficulties with the FEI over the proposed dates.
He said: ”It is a great boost to have these championships in Ireland in 2014. Congratulations to the Duggan family, who have an outstanding facility and who put together an excellent bid. We have had great success in ponies at European level in recent years. Hopefully we can do the business at home in 2014.”
Millstreet’s Thomas Duggan said today: “We are pleased FEI has approved the dates of July 30th to Sunday August 3rd 2014 for the FEI Championships for Ponies, Dressage, Eventing and Jumping. We look forward to welcoming competitors and their families from all over Europe to compete at Millstreet. We are very excited that this occasion will mark the launching of our new Mike Etherington-Smith designed Cross Country Course on the grounds of the centuries-old Drishane Castle.
“Many benefits, as yet unknown, will continue to accrue following these Championships.”
Comments (4)
12 Dec 2013 - 2:48 pmHiye guys, when will the schedual for this event be displayed on your website?
24 Dec 2013 - 12:00 pmHi Jessica, full schedule will be released in early 2014.
12 Mar 2014 - 4:02 pmCould you tell me if the jumping will end on Saturday or Sunday please
13 Mar 2014 - 12:51 pmHi Judy, jumping will conclude on Sunday.